The dating landscape has changed hugely over the decades. Way back in the day we had courting, where two people from two families would arrange formal dates – often with a chaperone. That concept seems utterly bizarre to us in modern times, though dating has even gone through big changes since the turn of the century.
Before, if you wanted to start dating, you’d maybe go to the pub or a club and start chatting to people there. Things went well and you’d leave with a number (or two) but that’s not how things go these days. People rarely meet on nights out anymore, so how do you start dating in 2024?
We’ve pooled three main ideas or pathways you can go down based on most people’s experiences with dating in the modern era. Here’s what you can do:
Try Dating Apps
Everyone’s aware of dating apps like Tinder or Bumble. They’ve made dating far more accessible for everyone, letting you set up profiles and look for the love of your life – or maybe just the love of your night.
However you choose to use dating apps is up to you, but the main benefit is that you’re pooled with lots of other single people looking for similar things. It makes it easier to break the ice and arrange real-life dates as that’s what everyone’s expecting. Unlike in a club where most people are just there to have a fun time and don’t want to be bothered by someone trying to chat them up.
Attend Speed Dating Events
If online dating isn’t your thing and you prefer to talk to someone in person before going on proper dates, then a speed dating event could be perfect. Loads of these are found around the country and the concept is easy to understand. You’re in a room with lots of other people and you take it in turns to have quick “dates” with each of them.
Again, like dating apps, everyone is there for the same reason. It removes a lot of the awkwardness and focuses on first impressions. If you like what you see/experience from a quick 4-minute chat with someone, then it’s an excellent sign!
Join Online Communities
This one is more of an organic way to start dating and finding love in 2024. Rather than using dating apps or going to dating events, you find online communities and start talking to other people. The trick is to find a community based on your likes and interests. This way, you’ll see loads of other people who share a common interest, giving you something to talk about all the time.
The goal here isn’t to specifically look for a date; you just want to form friendships and get to know people. Who knows, you may end up chatting to someone and an organic connection forms between the two of you. Fast forward a few years and you’re living together thinking about marriage. It sounds crazy, but you’ll be amazed how many relationships start like this nowadays.
Dating has changed, but some would argue for the better. Try any or all of the three ideas in this post if you want to start dating in 2024.