As the owner of a food or hospitality business, you will be acutely aware of the importance of drawing customers in to create long standing loyalty and brand awareness.
Whether you’re a gastropub, artisanal eatery, or high end restaurant, it’s imperative to get your customer appeal right.
If you want to attract more customers to your company, here are five top tips to get you started.
1. Build a Play Area for Children
A play area is one of the best ways to entice young families to spend their money with you. Children can get restless waiting for their food, so a well-designed outdoor play area from companies like Creative Play will keep them entertained whilst their food cooks, and beyond. This gives the adults time to enjoy their drinks and engage in their chatter without worrying about keeping the little ones occupied.
2. Assess and Overhaul Your Menu
Your menu is one of the most pivotal factors in attracting customers to your establishment. Ensuring that you have a wide variety of foods on offer will enable you to attract customers, but making sure that your menu is not too varied will reduce the strain on the kitchen.
If certain dishes aren’t selling too well, it might be time to remove them from the menu and replace them with other dishes that might have more appeal to customers. You could also trial new dishes as specials to test their popularity before you put them on the menu permanently.
If you want to print new menus, websites like Vistaprint offer a number of professional and sleek designs to choose from.
3. Create Irresistible Deals
Deals are the gold that will entice your new customers to visit your business, so ensuring that you can outpace your competitors means that you will win your customers’ loyalty.
Whether you offer midweek deals, happy hour, or other deals that will convince your customers to give your competitors a miss, you’re on to a winner with high value deals.
4. Make Your Business Accessible
Making your business accessible will drive profits by enabling a larger volume of customers to shop with you.
To make your business accessible, you will need to choose a location that can be accessed via public transport easily. Usually town or city centres are very useful for this, and having your location in a busy environment will inevitably lead to more footfall from the street.
Additionally, having ample parking situated nearby will benefit young families or disabled customers by reducing their travel time from their car to your premises.
You may also want to make your shop format wheelchair and pram friendly by installing ramps and fitting high quality disabled toilets.
5. Take Feedback Onboard
Feedback can be valuable to your business, as it’s a way of securing knowledge about what your customers are looking for from your business.
By collecting data via an anonymous survey created by websites like SurveyMonkey, you can action your feedback with ease without having it displayed publicly online. By actioning your feedback quickly, you’re more likely to secure loyal customers.
Do you have any tips for attracting more customers to your food business? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!