When considering signing up for a marathon, several scary thoughts are likely to discourage you. After all, a marathon will demand a lot from you.
But nothing is scarier about marathons than the dreaded phrase “hitting the wall.”
Hitting a wall is a common occurrence in a marathon when your physical and mental fortitude isn’t there anymore. Once you hit the wall, you can’t make even a single step. You can see now why the name is relevant.
The wall appears the moment your glycogen levels within the muscles drop, which forces your body functions to slow down.
You’re likely wondering, is there anything you can do to avoid such a situation?
Well, all hope is not lost. You can avoid hitting the wall. Here is a list of the best tips on beating that nasty wall.
- Practice with 18-20 Milers
Success often means preparing for all eventualities in advance, and preparing for a wall-free race is among the best strategies for a successful marathon.
You need to plan for a 20-mile maximum training session to increase your body’s glycogen storage. It’s a process, and the body will acclimate to the new demands as you go, but that’s the point. By having sufficient glycogen levels, there is no wall to hit.
Maintaining long runs will also give your body a chance to get used to using fat storage after glycogen is depleted, building endurance.
You also want to focus on tempo marathon sessions. Maintain a uniform tempo as you increase mileage slowly. Once these sessions become too easy, try paced and faster workouts.
Before you know it, your muscles and mental capacity will be ready for the marathon once you adjust your training.
- Enhance Performance with CBD
When we talk about performance-enhancing substances, what comes to mind are usually illegal drugs that give athletes an edge. In this case, we’re dealing with a different form of performance enhancement using CBD.
You’ve probably heard about CBD (cannabidiol) as it’s mainstream talk now. Simply put, it’s one of the hundreds of cannabinoids found in Cannabis, and researchers have uncovered its multiple health benefits.
As a cannabinoid, CBD can interact with your system’s natural cannabinoid receptors, resulting in benefits like fighting inflammation, boosting your immunity, improving your sleep, relieving pain and muscle spasms, improving healing, etc.
So naturally, CBD triggers your Endocannabinoid System to nourish and keep your body in excellent condition. That’s the performance enhancement we’re talking about.
For more on using CBD to boost your workout intensity, you may check out Veriheal.
- Focus on your hydration
Staying hydrated is often ignored, but it’s a crucial part of fighting fatigue.
No matter your conditioning and preparation, if you are not well hydrated, you will eventually run into the wall. Even on a cold day, your body loses a significant amount of fluids.
Hydration also helps ease your digestion, helping you get the most out of the food in your system.
We recommend increasing your water intake 4 to 5 days before that actual race. Take 100 and 150ml of water every five kilometers during both training and the race. Soft drinks can also be excellent supplements as they add carbohydrates that support your glycogen stores as an energy source.
- Take Walk Breaks
The goal of any runner is to enjoy and finish the race, not to kill themselves.
You see, accurately predicting the conditions of a race is impossible. You can’t with full certainty:
- account for the weather
- the conditions of the marathon track
- your body’s response to the race
One of the above factors going against you means you will struggle at some point in the marathon.
Whether you are a professional runner or running for fun, try taking a walk when you need to. It might seem like time wasting, but it’s not. Strategic walks for about 30 seconds can actually help you replenish energy and avoid hitting the wall.
You can test the strategic walk during training and see its effects on how you finish the race. Walking will give you the last option to keep the wall at bay.
To Sum it Up
Hitting the wall is normal and demotivating but can be avoided. Prepare for the marathon with 20-milers, hydrate well, think positively, and try cannabis boost or strategic walks.
If you happen to hit the wall, it’s not the end of the world. These are the experiences that make up a seasoned runner. Sign up for the next marathon and go again.