Gaining muscle can be great for your overall health and for the body. It’s a good way of protecting your bones and to make sure that you have the strength you need in order to do various exercises throughout your weekly routine. When it comes to gaining muscle, some find it easier than others, and some of it can be harder to do as you get older. Here are seven tips to help you gain muscle when exercising.
Eat Breakfast To Help With Muscle Mass
Breakfast is the first thing you’ll eat when you wake up, and it shouldn’t be something that you skip or miss on purpose. When you’ve been sleeping for several hours in the night, your body is going to be hungry, and to avoid it eating away at your body fat or muscle, you need to provide it with fuel and energy for the day. You’re going to feel and look healthier if you have the right amount of food for your body each day. Your breakfast is going to give you that burst of energy that you need, whilst also making sure you stay full until your next meal comes around.
When choosing a breakfast dish, think about what could help to build muscle mass. In this case, you’re going to want to look at dairy options where possible and fiber. Omeletes, smoothies, or porridge are all good sources of food that are worth incorporating into your first meal of the day. They’re healthy enough and will also fill that hunger until lunchtime.
Gradually Work With Heavier Weights
Heavier weights are going to help you build more muscle because after a while, you’re body simply gets used to the weights you’re lifting. When you start exercising, a lot of the muscle you gain will be forming underneath the fattier deposits on your body. As you exercise more, you will see a reduction in your overall body fat, and that’s when the muscles start to shine through.
The more you work on toning, the more apparent they’ll look. If you’ve gotten to the point where you’re finding a weight easier than it actually pushing you, then it’s important to switch up the weights to a higher amount. This is going to challenge your body and may seem harder to begin with. That’s the sign, though, that you needed an increase in weight. The more weighted workouts that you can do, the better. Cardio is great for building stamina and gaining muscle, but it’s not going to go to the extent that heavier weights can provide you.
Consider A Protein Powder Or Bars
If you’re still quite new to the weight-lifting and weight exercise world, then you might find it difficult to navigate the protein powder world. There are so many different protein powders and substitutes out there like bars and drinks, but they all essentially help you in different ways. Depending on your goals when it comes to gaining muscle it will depend on what type of protein powder you end up having. Muscle rage is a great brand and can also be handy for explaining what types of protein powders are available for you to try out. It might be a case of you doing some trial and error in order to find the right ones for you. However, there is definitely a benefit to using protein powders within your workout.
Make sure you try different options out so that you can incorporate it into your workout, whether that’s before or after you’ve exercised.
Adjust Your Diet
Your diet is something that influences how our bodies perform but also on their appearance. If you’re eating a clean diet, then you’re likely to find forming ab muscles a lot easier. That’s because a lot of what we eat is sitting in our stomachs and around that area. Eat junk food, and it’s going to be harder to process for your body than fruits and vegetables will be. Look at your diet currently and figure out what might be holding you back. As mentioned with protein powders, protein itself is a very good nutritional thing to incorporate in your diet, and so you should be having plenty of it where you can.

It might also be that you need to look at eating more frequently and around your workouts so that you get the most out of the food you’re putting into your body. The more diligent you can be with your diet, the better. The food aspect of your fitness can be the hardest thing to get right, and so it’s going to take some time until you perfect it or at least make it work well for you.
Eat Carbs After The Workout
Carbs provide you with energy, but most of us will eat more than we actually need. Try to limit your carbohydrates and instead opt to have them after your workout. This is because your body is still burning calories, and therefore, your body needs more fuel to help it recover. A carb post-workout food would be pasta, bread, potatoes, and oats as examples. Make sure you’re treating your body to carbohydrates where you can because they certainly make a difference. A lot of people will want to avoid carbs because they feel it contributes to fat. However, that’s only if you’re eating too much of it, like with any type of food. Control how much you eat, and it can ensure you have plenty of energy to continue the workouts needed to build muscle.
Drink Plenty Of Water
Water is certainly important for our bodies to have, regardless of whether we are drinking it for our muscles or for our bodies in general. When drinking water, you are helping to contribute to faster recovery for your muscles and to make sure your muscle mass is increasing. Drinking water helps stop you from becoming dehydrated but to also stop you from feeling hungry. Try to drink more water on days where you’re working out and especially when you’re doing weight-bearing exercises. This is going to help your body recover much faster and promote more muscle mass as a result.
In general, you should be drinking around 1.5liters of water per day in order to keep your body feeling good and looking good.
Do A Mixture Of Workouts
Workouts are a great way of getting you fit, and they all work a little differently. When you’re building muscle mass, some exercises are going to benefit you more than others. It’s important to learn more about what exercises, workout options, and sports are out there in order to help get the most out of your fitness. Doing a mixture of workouts can really help in you finding variation, and to focus on different parts of the body’s muscle. If you’re doing a mixture, you’re also going to enjoy it more and not get bored of doing the same thing over and over again. Try to vary what you do and what it focuses on when it comes to the body. The more you can shift the workout around the body, the better. It helps to ensure your muscle mass is distributed in the right places and in the right amounts.
Helping you gain muscle when exercising is different for everyone, but it’s possible to do so. Look at the ways that you can build muscle by following these tips. Find the ones that work best for you and remember that progress takes time.