Sodexo is a global leader in providing a number of services that all improve Quality of Life. The company has been operational for almost 50 years and can supply over 100 different services. The company employs approximately 34,000 people in order to deliver services that work to improve the quality of life of their clients in around 2,000 different locations including corporate, healthcare, education, leisure, justice and defence industries. Sodexo has a turnover of more than £1 billion and can offer a variety of different services including catering, cleaning, reception as well as asset management, security, laboratory, and grounds maintenance services which enable clients to focus on their core business.
Sodexo has managed to secure a new contract with Hamilton Park Racecourse in Scotland. The new contract has been valued in the region of £20 million and is set to last for 10 years. Sodexo will be providing catering services on race days at the Lanarkshire Racecourse. This will also be on top of providing services for conference and banqueting events.
Hamilton Park Racecourse is currently in the process of undergoing a refurbishment that will cost £800k in the grandstand area of the site. The work will mean the whole first floor of the grandstand will be transformed. The Racecourse Café is also undergoing some remodeling and being turned into an upmarket bar and eatery, there will also be upgrades to the private boxes.
The new work to the racecourse will boost the reputation of the site. The new facilities could lead to a boost in visitors as it offers a wider range of premium dining, bar and hospitality space amongst being the leading sports and entertainment venues.
The racecourse will also be the first to offer a Super Saturday, which will consist of extended opening times as well as a series of special events being put of that will be teamed up with evening horse racing which will mean that the Racecourse can entertain its visitors from midday to late.