Billionaires Row, created by William Benson, is a premium brand. The business focuses on creating luxury items for clients to be immersed in luxury in every element of their day. They seek to produce the finest of the best in all sectors they develop items in and have accomplished that objective so far. Their main product, champagne, has placed them on the map for many celebrities and the prominent, wealthy audience they are targeting.
Their champagne is exceptionally skillfully constructed, and several levels of specialized went into the bottle on the top shelf, which shows in their reputation. Benson became the first American to have his name on a champagne brand certified by the respected Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne in France. This great feat further testament that Benson is on the right road.
Benson skipped college to follow his passion of being an entrepreneur and has made the correct decision as his business increases income and brand awareness daily. In the banking investment business, he acquired the brand concept and noted how every major dinner meeting or celebration was centered on alcohol. This inspired him to want to develop the ideal luxury brand for people to appreciate daily.
As a young black businessman, Benson prides himself on the work he has accomplished. The brand is not only recognizable for champagne, but they have a very popular top-shelf cognac, a collection in a partnership with MHW Ltd., this past holiday season, Champagne Billionaires Row William L Benson Premier Cru, Cuvée Billionaires Row Brut and Cuvée Billionaires Row Rarissime, Rosé were available worldwide, as well as the recently launched alkaline water and fragrances which will be released in 2023.
Benson chose to start with alcohol because “alcohol because it makes you feel opulent. Spirits (another word for alcohol) have been used throughout history as a means to fellowship and reward,” he said. To establish the brand’s meaning, he wanted to ensure customers connected over the luxury product.
One of the pillars of the brand’s identity is connectivity. Benson is a philanthropist and likes to bring the brightest minds in the world together to work on and talk about important current issues. This started with meetings with fellow entrepreneurs early in his career and has spread to hosting a charity dinner for Presidential Candidate Brock Pierce.
Since the beginning of the brand, it has done nothing but grows. From these bright-minded meetings to social media spreading awareness, the brand is seen as a picture of luxury. Spotted being enjoyed by Kendall Jenner, Amber Heard, Mark Zuckerberg, and many more. The champagne and cognac are only served and sold in Reserve Bar, an upscale luxury bar.
Benson is in partnership with Patrick Ductant, president of Billionaires Row. Ductant helped form revolutionary alliances and made the uber-successful MHW partnership happen. But it doesn’t stop there. Collaboration with Brian Rosen, the CEO of BevStra, has made the company more profitable than ever. With a resume containing clients such as 7-11 and Target’s shelf sets, BevStrat provides Billionaires Row with the firepower vital for propelling a liquor company forward. The endorsement is largely mutual.
William Benson and Patrick Ductant created the firm Billionaires Row to manufacture luxury things and market to the prominent and rich. Benson, the CEO, started in the investment banking business and, when speaking with the greatest minds in the field over champagne, came up with the brand. Ductant, the President of Billionaires Row, has also been quite significant in the growth of the firm. Ductant is a specialist in marketing and has achieved success for major firms such as Carnival Cruise Lines. The two have remarked that what makes them so successful is their willingness to confront one other and strive for better goods as a team.
Billionaires Row advertises luxury products but has a stand-out, unique effect, and their champagne.
Their rose and champagne are extraordinarily lavish and favorably welcomed by celebrities. Benson has lately become the first American to have his name on a champagne brand certified by the respected Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne in France. They intend to come up with alkaline water and perfumes to continue their premium brand domination.
With many new products and partnerships and glamorous launch parties to accompany them, they only expect the company to gain even more traction and recognition. Between Benson and Ductant, the possibilities are endless.