Five key policies have been set pout by the Food and Drink Federation. It is thought that the next Government should implement these new policies in order to allow the food and farming sectors to flourish on a global market. The food and drink industry in the UK is the largest manufacturing sector. The industry contributes around £28.2 billion each year to the UK economy and also employs more than 400,000 people around the UK.
The Food and Drink Federation has announced that they believe the Government should secure the best possible Brexit deal for the food and drink industry and make sure that all transitions are smooth in order to avoid any cliff edge style drops in business. The Federation also suggests that that the government needs to work with the food and drink industry in order to tackle obesity with calorie reduction at the heart of an evidence based and holistic approach. The next policy is that sector specific exports should be Turbo-charged in order to support smaller companies by providing new opportunities. The Government has also been asked to support the ambition of the food and drink industry with an industrial strategy sector deal that can drive industry growth which will in turn lead to consumers having a good choice and quality products. The final policy laid out by the Federation is that the Government work with the industry in order to develop home-grown talent as well as boost skills and apprenticeships to allow the UK to compete on the global market.
The Food and Drink Federation have released these policies in order to help the industry in light of Brexit and make sure that the food and drink industry in the UK continues to flourish, because it is vital to the wider UK economy. These policies will offer consumers safe affordable and nutritious food and drink products.