Discover top quality, sizeable steaks delivered directly to your door with the launch of What’s UR Beef, an online, gourmet, premium-grade nationwide steak delivery company which will transform the way you shop for steak.
The brainchild of the ‘most swiped man on Tinder’, supermodel & TV star Stefan-Pierre Tomlin and the award-winning butcher behind Stilton Butchers, James Morgan, What’s UR Beef expertly cut, securely seal and ship your bespoke order, which arrives at your door, within a chosen time slot the very next day. Ensuring a minimum of 28 day aged A Graded British beef at What’s UR Beef size definitely matters.
With a steak for every appetite, ranging from standard 8oz steaks to larger first-rate cuts reaching over 32 oz, you will be certain to receive juicy, tender steaks expertly cut exactly to your liking with every delivery.
Launching with a choice of half a dozen steaks including ultra-lean, super soft centre cut barrel fillet, tender, lightly marbled ribeye, matured, succulent Tomahawk steak and flavoursome sirloin, the What’s UR Beef range will steadily increase week on week. Soon expanding to offer premium steaks from different countries and lesser known cuts to give customers the chance to broaden their culinary horizons and ‘beef up’ their knowledge on steak, What’s UR Beef is set to become the number one destination for discerning, top-quality steak lovers.
Meeting through mutual friends and bonding over their love of steak, the launch of What’s UR Beef is an exciting next step for both Stefan and James. Currently one of the UK’s leading models, and star of Celebs Go Dating & First Dates, Stefan is looking forward to turning his passion for steak into a successful business and working closely with James, the director of family-run Stilton Butchers who are famed for their award-winning meats and remarkable quality.
Offering a wide variety of the absolute best British premium steak, it is time to check out What’s UR Beef – you just cannot and will not beat their meat.
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