Recreational use of marijuana has been banned for a very long time and has had a stigma around it, being seen as dangerous, and even detrimental to your health. Since marijuana was legalized for recreational use in 2012 in countries around the world, many people have either been in full support of marijuana or just totally against it. Still, there are also many people in-between because they don’t know all that much about it, or the benefits or side effects it may have.
Historically, marijuana has been used in many cultures for medicinal purposes, and this is because it contains a component called CBD. CBD is a cannabinoid found within the marijuana plant and is one of the two most commonly known components of marijuana. The legalization of recreational marijuana has also created an entirely new industry, along with a secondary industry as well; the sale of CBD products. There are many places to get CBD, such as supermarkets, online retailers like Smoke Cartel, or even vaporizer stores. This is because CBD has no psychoactive properties meaning that it is impossible to get high from using it, making it legal to be sold anywhere. If you want to learn more, here are a few benefits of marijuana and CBD.
Helps with many conditions
Marijuana and CBD has always been a way for people to manage various terminal and short term conditions. This dates way back before any modern research was done into the its properties and what exactly made it helpful.
Now that the use of marijuana is legal, it is far more accessible to scientists and researchers, which has allowed them to understand individual components within the herb, to learn how and why they can help. This research has shown strong evidence that marijuana and CBD can help with a variety of conditions such as seizures, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, PTSD, and Parkinson’s, and reduces the effects of them drastically.
Help to manage pain
Pain bothers everyone at some point in their life and people always turn to some form of pain killer or anti-inflammatory to reduce the pain. While they are great and will help most of the time, CBD is a natural substance found in a plant that doesn’t almost the exact same thing and more. For a very long time, medicinal cannabis was used to relieve pain, and it’s only been understood in recent years why this works. Just like a pin killer, CBD block the pain receptor, stopping the user from feeling any pain. This does not mean that the problem is fixed though, it is just a temporary solution.
Helps with depression and anxiety
In recent years, people have become more in tune with their bodies and emotions, and so many have discovered that they actually have some or other form of depression and anxiety. While some people use marijuana itself to treat these disorders, most people opt for the option with no psychoactive effects so as not to make any of the symptoms worse, and to allow them to function normally throughout the day. CBD is typically the option that moist people will move towards for this.
Marijuana is said to release the hormone, serotonin, which is known as a happy hormone. By releasing this hormone, it alleviate the affects that one might feel from depression and anxiety. On top of this, CBD has a calming effect which allows users with anxiety to take a breather and gather themselves, and lets the stray away from a panic or anxiety attack as much as possible.
Is it safe to use?
There I much speculation as to whether the use of marijuana and CBD is safe, especially when treating symptoms of disorders and conditions. Research has shown that for the most part it is definitely safe to use, although with CBD one might feel a bit fatigued, nauseous, notice a change in weight, and a few other smaller things.
However, research has allowed us to discover that the use of marijuana before the legal gave it can have lifelong side effects such as reducing brain function and IQ. Beyond this, marijuana and CBD have so many beneficial factors and can help with so many different things from sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, pain, PTSD, and chronic diseases and disorder that it seems as though the risks are far outweighed by the benefits and it seems to be far more beneficial to use a medication that is more natural.